Nathan's a good looking man, tall and broad shouldered. Naturally blessed with lean, chiseled features, he's something of a small-time con artist. Nathan likes to rely on the kindness of strangers. He enjoys people's trust. His toffee coloured eyes give the impression of generosity and warmth. In his presence a person can be made to feel both interesting and appreciated. He's aware of the affect he sometimes has on strangers, making sure his self-effacing demeanor keeps his manners endearing and his tone sincere.
Nathan has experienced a string of bad luck lately. Somehow, he'll have to turn things around and get his act together. Something's got to change, and quickly, though he's not too sure where to start. Right now, in need of a coffee with no money to speak of - he rings a friend and arranges to meet her at a coffee shop.
He closes the front door of a mate's place, having spent a night on the couch. He marvels at a beautiful woman walking by, her heavy hair swishing at her back. He imagines the way it might smell. She stops, not far away and kisses another man on the street. Nathan sighs, making his way to the coffee shop, affected.
Over coffee with Carla he tries to play the caring friend, listening to her whinge about her estranged husband, her unmanageably large house and her recent foray back into the dating pool. He orders a toasted sandwich for himself and she helps him eat, breaking it into tiny pieces and slotting it into her mouth between sentences.
He's acutely conscious that he'll have to ask her for money, sooner or later. She pops broken pieces of a cold, toasted sandwich as if to punctuate her sentences and never once directs an inquiry his way. When he can take no more he gets up briskly, forgetting his mission as he pulls his backpack across his shoulders. The childish gesture shaves ten years off him. Carla blinks up at him, catapulted from her own discomfort.
“I have to catch a bus.” He kisses her warmly before lurching out of the coffee shop and off down the street. It doesn't occur to him to look back, saving himself from a view of her astonishment. Now, directionless and devoid of cash, Nathan assesses the day stretching before him.
On the train Nathan sits next to a ‘suit’. She smells of fresh grapefruit. A navy skirt hugs her well-proportioned lower body and across her lap the fabric stretches so tight it appears likely to split. Nathan tries very hard not to admire her openly, for fear she'll catch him looking. He wants badly to touch her. He lurches with the movement of the train and the effort of trying not to invade her personal space. They get up simultaneously for a stop, exchanging a glance. Each stares back into identical, honey-brown eyes. After she has gone, Nathan can still feel his heart running. He is still able to catch the faint scent of her perfume. An involuntary rush of blood to his groin forces him to shift his weight.
After the train he makes his way up the stairs into too-bright daylight and pounds the pavement, deep in thought. After a while it starts to rain and he's forced to search for somewhere to escape the weather. Before long Nathan finds himself in a library, attached to a shopping centre. At least here he can read, stay out of the rain for a while and work out how to face the rest of the week.
He choses a book from the shelves, lazily observing all the action around him. The amount of people coming and going increases through the lunch rush. His blood cools in his veins. At one point, Nathan notices a familiar body in the sea of people passing by. Appreciatively he takes in her shape and size, the Venus-like proportions of her figure and the faint lure of her perfume. He recognizes the woman from the train. Goose-bumps forming on his arms.
Nathan plays it cool, calming himself. She senses him staring, turns to look at him and a shock of recognition passes over her features. She smiles shyly and turns away, plonking herself into a comfortable chair adjacent to his, a magazine on her lap. Relaxing, she takes off her work jacket. Her expensive, cream blouse moves like liquid. The fabric is elegant and thin, pulled taut across her ample breasts. Her tanned arms are smooth and freckle-free. Nathan's feels his moment had arrived.
She looks up from her reading, cherub lips forming into a smile.
“I want you to blow me.” The words appear on his lips before he can vet them. Blood rages in his ears.
“Here?” Her tone is thick with disbelief.
"Can you think of somewhere better?”
"Well, as it happens I work here. I know somewhere...” Her tone is changing as she forms the words.
“Ok.” Already his erection strains the fabric of his jeans.
It seems so straight forward, imminently possible to snatch a few moments of unbridled passion in a council library facility. Adrenalin from his un-rejected proposal fuels his recklessness, increasing his hunger. Nathan wants to have this woman, is almost mad with it.
"Do you think we should?"
"I've always believed in the here and now," Nathan puts in dryly. He still can't quite believe his luck.
"You'll have to wait," she whispers, grinning, noting the crazy lustful expression.
"Whatever you say, babe." His voice is soft.
They get up and without preamble she leads him past the counter stuffed with staff, off into the bowels of the building. He notes the rustle of movement amongst some of the desk staff as they walk by but no one tries to stop them. As they weave through rooms and hallways she's light on her feet, padding softly just ahead. Nathan enjoys the enchanting view of her delectable rear leading him into mischief.
Eventually, she stops, satisfied with her choice. By now they are in an office, small and undoubtedly tucked away. She strides in, Nathan closes the door behind them.
“I hope this is okay for you?” Her tone is soft, confused. For a brief moment Nathan just stares in amazement, unable to say anything. In all his life he had never before known a situation to parallel this one.
He closes the distance between them until his body is close to hers. Too close. In order to look at him she must offer her face up and meet his eyes. Her moist lips will be just centimeters from his. In the silence, her breathing becomes rapid and shallow. Nathan chooses not to hesitate further, bringing a large hand up to the small of her back, propelling her forward. The pillows of her breasts crush on the wall of his chest. Her features are still expressionless, although from this distance Nathan can see the unmistakable dark hint of lust in her eyes.
It feels delicious, these first rushed steps of their courtship. It crosses her mind how strange it feels to be so coy. They are adult, with little time. As the outside world shrinks out of context, so the air between them thickens and heats. She can touch the fabric of his shirt, can see he hasn’t shaved today. She doesn’t kiss him and he makes no move to try. Instead she lowers her head and unbuttoning his shirt, brushes the material off his chest with trembling fingers.
She unbuckles his pants. She unbuttons his boxers and without removing his jeans or his underpants, pulls his cock free of his clothes. It's fully erect and big, more substantial than she would have predicted. Her lips curl with a hint of appreciation. She moistens them and ducks down before him, wasting no time slipping the tip of his cock in her mouth. Perhaps she expected stale and sour, Nathan's cock is smooth and flavour-less. He makes no sound.
She takes in more length, quickly, testing him. She wants to hear him give away some audible hint of enjoyment. She runs her tongue down to the base, where the hair protrudes from his jeans. She snakes the width of her tongue up his length, looking up through her lashes to see his reaction. She can read disbelief in his brown eyes. She greases his cock more with her saliva and her lithe tongue, little pains of pleasure rock through his body, turning his limbs to liquid.
He can think only of taking her, tearing her clothes and fucking her on the blandly organized carpet. The sensation is too much for him and Nathan closes his eyes as she slides her lips around the head of his penis, taking his entire length into her throat and mouth. Quite suddenly she stops.
“I think I should stop now.” She's still holding his cock in her petite hand, kneeling in front of him. He helps her to her feet, adjusts his achingly rigid member.
“I have to have you,” he says finally. “Here.”
Wordlessly she turns away from him and undoes the zipper of her skirt, sliding the material up over her hips so he can see her gorgeous, firm arse peeping out from under the ludicrously tight skirt. She bends forward over the desk and offers her sweetness to him. She looks over her shoulder suggestively and smiles. She notes that his eyes are glazed by lust.
Exposed to his view, poised for action, she wiggles her rump. His honey-brown eyes feast on her sex and she can feel her wetness increasing under his gaze. In an appreciative, reverential homage to her recent performance, he kneels behind her, kissing her folds and stroking her glistening sex with his tongue.
He snuffles in her slit, buries his face willingly in the warmth and sweetness of the most amazing pussy he has ever set his mind to. Ahead of him she reels, a mighty orgasm building, making her push back against the intrusion of his tongue. Desire causes her to whimper and taking the sound as encouragement he inserts a finger into her vagina.
Nathan begins to gently finger fuck her and she squirms.
“I want you to fuck me,” she whispers her request and he can't hear her. “Oooh my god.”
Helpfully, Nathan eases two fingers in and out of her sex. She grips the table. He takes a moment to allow himself a final taste of her tantalizing flesh, lapping his tongue along her exposed lips, before he stands.
“What did you say?”
“I...” She turns towards him, Nathan initiates the kiss, their first, it's wholly satisfying, hot, wet and drenched in passion.
Eventually she pulls away, they are both caught off balance, soaked in desire. A moment later she is rolling over to clutch the desk once more. Nathan gently slides two fingers back into her pussy. He can feel the damp heat and the slight contraction of the muscles at the continuation of his pleasurable touch. She whimpers and he can hear her sharp intake of air. His cock is rigid in his hand, harder than ever. Nathan's shaking hand guides the head of his penis into the pocket of her arse and she wriggles. He directs the head of his cock down and feels her flesh parting as he enters her.
Finally, now he allows himself to moan, ecstasy washing over his limbs. At the first stroke she pushes back into him, feeling his length stretching her soft folds. He repeats the pleasure, again and again. She starts to sigh and he reaches around, cupping one luxurious breast through her clothes. The action stills her body’s urgent fever, allowing him to set the rhythm. He picks up the pace and shortens his strokes. She goes mad for it and squirms in his arms.
After a moment he's slamming into her, releasing stroke after wild stroke as he drives them both forward. He can feel the spasms and the rush of heat as she cums for him, throwing her head back. Nathan lets himself go inside her too, in the aftershock, her pussy still convulsing from orgasm.
Warm and shocked, she turns to him and kisses him full on the mouth. His limbs are still liquid. Nathan returns her kiss, reluctantly releasing her lips. He picks up her delicate hand, brings it to his mouth in a laughable nod to gentlemanly behaviour, then swiftly, as the reality of the situation returns to him, he grabs his pants and starts to tidy himself.
She takes a moment to shuffle the creased fabric of her work skirt over the plump swell of her hips. She’s definitely titillated, mildly amused. Her knickers are saturated. Still shaking, she finds her jacket, taking care to button it before making her way back, cheeks aflame, through the labyrinth.
A moment later Nathan finds himself back out on the street, alone. The day continues to drizzle but perhaps things aren't so bad, he thinks. He'll probably never see her again, and probably just as well. How could they top a first encounter like that? One thing's for certain, his luck definitely appears to be turning.
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